May 1, 2008

Caffeine and naps important fatigue countermeasures, for jet lag too

My friend and mentor, world-renowned shiftwork expert Dr. Martin Moore-Ede was in the news today -- The New York Times to be precise.  For some reason, the paper was reporting on the research that came out some time ago saying the sildenafil, which goes by the trade name Viagra, may also help fight the effects of jet lag.  Of course, the study was done on hamsters so it's hardly reason to get too excited. 


But the editors at The New York Times, in their wisdom, thought they should prepare an article on this subject.  Dr. Moore-Ede, and Dr. Mark Rosekind, another emininent shiftwork expert, concluded that judicious caffeine and naps are a better bet for people wanting to avoid jet lag.  As Dr. Rosekind mentioned, there is still no magic pill.  But as Rosekind, a former researcher at NASA, says, "it's not rocket science."


Why should you, working shifts, care?  Some people refer to shiftwork-induced fatigue as shift lag because the fact is it is essentially similar to jet lag.  Caffeine and naps are an important part of your shiftworker fatigue countermeasure arsenal.


Source:   A Cure-All for Jet Lag? Try Caffeine and Naps

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